Dry Hair
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Dry hair, the vengeful arch nemesis of oily hair. It has the ability to infiltrate each strand and ruin your style, even in your best little black dress on the most perfect of evenings.
At Evoke Salon, we know the burden, walking around with noticeably dry hair. Frankly, the mayonnaise treatment just isn’t cutting it these days. Alas, there is hope for your dehydrated do and surprise, the transformation of your dry, brittle hair to beautiful and luxurious starts from within.
As it turns out, eating healthily is beneficial for more than your digestive system and skin. Malnutrition is a common factor among people with dry hair. It is vital to properly hydrate yourself with water and to consume proper vitamins, proteins and minerals. Just like your body, your hair is a temple and should be treated as such. Fish is an excellent source of natural oils and when ingested, the oils should start to make their way towards your in-need-of-help scalp within seventy two hours.
Climate is another major player when it comes to dry hair. Cold weather causes your hair to become weak while hotter, more humid temperatures cause dehydration and natural oil loss. Mother Nature can be combated by wearing hats during all seasons, ensuring your locks are tucked away, safe from sun and the bitter cold we Canadians know all too well.
Other common mistakes among people with dry hair are excessive blow drying, flat-ironing, and washing. If you like to hit the showers every day, go for it. However, investing in a shower cap would be in your best interest. Hair care professionals suggest washing your hair on average three to four times per week, while using the appropriate shampoo and conditioner of course. Investing in salon quality conditioners and moisture masks, can make a world of difference in your distressed tresses. Instead of being loaded with silicone, that superficially coat the outer layer of your hair, quality conditioners like Moroccan Oil and Moist Repair by KMS, penetrate past the cuticle to start repairing from the inside out. Also, leave in conditioners as well as thermal protectors, when used properly will be your dry hairs saving grace. If your blow drying your hair, try switching it to the ‘cool’ setting. You might wake up five minutes earlier but your hair will be thankful for the break from the intense blast of continuous heat. Cool water and air helps close the cuticle on the strand, which leaves your hair smoother and shinier.
With one location at Yonge and Eglinton and another on Bloor Street, Evoke Salon offers free consultations with members of their award winning stylist team. Drop by and have them assess your mane and learn about the different products that cater to your hair specifically, free of charge.
Remember, dry hair is curable and you are not alone. Sure, there are no support groups out there so to speak of that deal with such an issue but I assure you, you will find a friend, confidant and support system in your chosen hair stylist and salon.
Know more about making your hair beautiful http://www.salonevoke.com/