How to Train a Dog at Home

Are you one of those that don`t know how to train dogs? Then you should read this; maybe it`s easier than you think.
There are a few easy rules about how to train a dog and dog obedience training: keep it short, keep it simple, keep it fun – for both of you. Your attitude and freshness during training is as important as your dog’s. If you’re not in the mood, forget it – postpone until you are. Your objective is to reinforce the social relationship your dog should have with you. You are leader of the pack and your dog is an obedient follower.
Dogs are lovely creatures, and the arrival of a new puppy into the family is a very exciting experience. Cute as they are when they start waggling their tales, puppies can be notorious.
Barking. Sounds familiar? In the middle of the night, bark and bark endlessly; dig holes in your garden; chew on your livingroom furniture. They`re all classic.
You might be on your way to lose your patience, I know I have on several occasions. But before you do, remember that your puppy is just like a child; they need guidance of their parents and the older people around the. Exactly, you should train it. No, I`m not talking about taking your dog to expensive training facilities, I`m talking about you doing it yourself. “I don`t know how to do that, I`m no professional!” Neither am I, and if I could do it, so can you. It`s not as hard as you think; in fact, it might be a lot easier than you expect it to be.
Here are a few basic tips you can use when training your own dog or dogs.
1. As soon as the puppy arrives in your house, start training it. The earlier you begin, the earlier it will behave properly.
2. Your dog should be trained in a quiet place – a place with less distraction. Focus for both yourself and your puppy is important, and this is easier to get with less distraction and noise around.
3. Do not hesitate to give the dog rewards when it does something right. Patting it on its head or giving it something to eat that is not usually a part of its diet as a reward.
4. Do not train for long periods of time. Short periods works better.
5. Consistence is the key. Do the same things until your puppy has learned it by heart.
6. Do not take giant leaps; start with small, simple steps. This way it can easily adapt.
7. When it does something wrong, do not hit it. Instead, encourage it to do better, for example by using rewards. It will also enjoy training more if you do it this way, and the more he enjoys it the more he will learn.
Be patient. Just as children can be hard to teach sometimes, so can dogs be. However, if it enjoys the training, once it learns one trick, it will learn other things so much easier.